
Priority Registration for the 2025-26 school year runs Wednesday, January 15th - Friday, January 31st.

General Registration begins Feburary 4th after Open House (6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.)

To ensure Open Door School is a good fit for your family, a tour is required before registrationEmail Suzy to schedule a tour today.

Registration Forms can be found here. Please return them via email or drop them off in person at the Open Door School office. Thank you!


Tours take place Monday – Friday from 9:30-11:30 and must be scheduled at least a day in advance. You may bring the child you’re considering enrolling if you’d like.

Open House

Open House 2025 is February 4th at 6:30pm

Wait Lists

Our classes often fill up quickly. If the class you’re interested in is full, we’d be happy to add your child to the list. Spots occasionally become available mid-year.

However, waitlists don’t roll over from year to year. The earliest a child can be enrolled (or placed on the waitlist) for the following year is February. 

In-House Registration

In-house registration for currently enrolled families begins Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Forms should be returned by January 31st .  After that date, all registrations will be processed with the General Registration pool, even for currently enrolled families.

General Registration

General registration begins February 4, 2025 after Open House. Open House is open to the public and runs 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. No registration is required.

Registration Fees

The registration fee for our Half-Day classes is $105 ($85 for UUCC members.)

The registration fee for our Full Day class is $125 ($105 for UUCC members.)

Non-refundable registration fees are required for every child. Registration fees are due with the registration forms. Any registration form that has an unpaid registration fee on March 1st, 2025, will be removed from the enrollment process.

Class Placements

Class placements will be finalized by March 7th.

2025-26 Monthly Tuition Rates

Mon & Tue 2s: $390 (Sept.-May)

Wed, Thu, Fri 2/3s: $445 (Sept.-May)

Wed, Thu, Fri 3s: $470 (Sept.-May)

Mon-Thurs 3/4s: $550 (Sept.-May)

Mon-Fri 4/5s: $620 (Sept.-May)

Full Day: $1285 (Year-round)